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  • Writer's pictureSofia Saunders

July 20

Today at 9 am, we went to the Prado Museum and saw so many incredible works of art! We had a tour guide who brought us through the museum and showed us what everything was and when it was created. She showed us Las Meninas by Velazquez, the portrait of Charles lV and his family by Goya, and more. She told us some fun facts, like how Goya painted himself in the family portrait because there were thirteen people without him, and he believed that was an unlucky number. It was a fantastic tour, and I only got a couple of pictures since I wasn't aware that photos were not allowed until shortly into the tour. The entire museum is incredible, and I want to go there again without a tour guide so I can spend more time in some places than others rather than having a timed schedule.

After the tour, we had breakfast at the museum cafe. I got an avocado toast and iced tea and sat with my friends. After breakfast, we went back to the college for a little bit and later in the day went to the city.

In the city, we got lunch together at Cafe de los Austrias. It was really good. We had tortilla de patata, croquetas, and jamon. After lunch, we had free time in the city, so we went shopping at El Corte Ingles and a record store. It was really fun but I didn't get any records. Then we all took some group pictures in their "Times Square" and took the Subway back to the college.

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